Thanks a Bunch All of You!

Gracias for a great 2019, dear readers. I appreciate you all. I like the browsing visitors, I’m quite fond of those who click “like” and I love our faithful commenters and followers. I am uplifted by our conversations and your support means a bunch to me. Olé!

Many thanks to the top three sites referring readers our way; It’s Good to be Crazy Sometimes, Travel with Intent and Our ml Home. I admire your blogging journeys, your sense of community, and your openness. Olé!

Gracias to subscribers, both new and seasoned, Fake Flamenco has more than doubled the number of followers from last year! Olé!

In 2020, we’ll have more culture, more Latina biographies, and más about bilingual parenting on Fake Flamenco. Plus, I’ll delve into my memoirs and reveal truths none but my inner circle know. Nos vemos pronto, queridos. We’ll see one another soon, dear ones.

What are your plans this year?

Gracias for reading Fake Flamenco! -Rebecca

Bunch of bananas growing at Olbrich Gardens, Madison

See what’s going on at Six Word Saturday!

Rebecca Cuningham

17 thoughts on “Thanks a Bunch All of You!

  1. Thank you Rebecca! 🙂 I enjoy reading your posts, I realise how much there is to learn about the world and cultures! And of course I have a soft spot for your posts on your own bilingual journey with your child! 😉 My best wishes for a beautiful and happy 2020! 🙂

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