4 Spanish Haiku Winners/Los 4 ganadores del concurso haiku

Deceptive simplicity is the cornerstone of haiku poetry. How much can we express in three lines, seventeen syllables? From what we see in your contest entries, these snapshots, these Polaroids of poetry can deliver a message in a handful of words.

La sencillez engañosa es fundamental en la poesía haiku. ¿Cuánto podemos expresar en tres líneas, en diecisiete sílabas? De lo que vemos en sus poemas para el concurso, estas instantáneas, estas fotos Polaroid de poesía pueden lanzar un mensaje en unas pocas palabras.

We were lucky enough to have contestants from four different countries: Spain, Chile, Mexico and the UK. Thank you so much for your entries! I’ve written translations of each poem in English, and worked to maintain the syllable count. And now for the winners!

Tuvimos la suerte de recibir entradas de cuatros países distintos: España, Chile, México y el Reino Unido. ¡Muchas gracias a los participantes! Escribí una traducción de cada poema en inglés para los anglosajones, y intenté mantener el número de sílabas correcto. Y ahora, los ganadores!

Mejor haiku de México [Best haiku from México]

Amiga hermana
tejimos los colores
De eterna amistad

[My dear sister friend
You and I weave the colors
(Of) eternal friendship]

-Ithel Sánchez Villanueva

Mejor haiku de Chile [Best haiku from Chile]

Desde mi balcón
mirando cordilleras

[From my balcony
looking at the mountain range
I am missing you]

-Antonio Garcés Arias

Mejor haiku del Reino Unido [Best haiku from the UK]

Cuando lo veo,
Pienso en verano,
Ya ha llegado.

[Now when I see it
Makes me think of the summer
it’s already here]

-Rachel Lishman

Mejor haiku de España [Best haiku from Spain]

De mi ordenador
Al coche de mi padre
Cielos blancos sol

[From my computer
to the car of my father
I see white skies, sun]

-Francisco Bravo Cabrera

If you feel like joining in with a haiku of your own, please type it in the comments below! Thank you. Si tu quieres participar y escribir un haiku, ¡favor de teclarlo en los comentarios abajo! Gracias.

Gracias por leer Fake Flamenco! ¡Olé! –Rebecca

Mocedades by Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar Manuscript in the Paris Royal Museum/Mocedades por Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, Manuscrito del Museo Real en Paris


Rebecca Cuningham

16 thoughts on “4 Spanish Haiku Winners/Los 4 ganadores del concurso haiku

  1. Beautiful, all of them! Wonderful idea Rebecca and a great way to interact artistically and have a further opportunity to communicate and create across boundaries, languages and all other man-made borders. Thank you for choosing my little Haiku, I certainly appreciate it!
    All the best and stay safe, alert and aware…in times like these we’ve no choice but to Adapt, Improvise and Overcome!


    1. Gracias for your comment, Carolyn. Yes, here is an excellent poem by Armando Ibarra, a friend from Colombia.
      Sobre los huevos
      la torcaza calienta
      un mundo nuevo
      [Nestled on her eggs
      The mother wood dove keeps warm
      a whole brand new world.]

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Below is one of Rumi’s sayings. I shortened it, but still couldn’t get it to quite fit the haiku structure.

    No se satisfaga
    con los cuentos de otros.
    Descubra su mito propio.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great Spanish adaptation, Carolyn! That’s a thought provoking Rumi quote. [poem: Do not be satisfied, with the stories of others, Discover your own myth] Gracias!

      Liked by 1 person

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