Six Hundred Followers!

Very happy to report a new milestone; 600 followers! Thanks to all of you for making it a good year on Fake Flamenco. You teach me, you make me laugh, you enrich my life. I appreciate the encouragement of your likes, comments and follows!

True confessions; blogging scared me two years and nine months ago when I began Fake Flamenco. As my first blog ever, I had no idea what I was doing. Days when the block editor gets the better of me, I still feel that way! However, my ideas form more readily now whether I type or hand write my post first. I feel more confident when I write. After I’ve polished the paragraphs, I know when I’m ready to hit Publish. Now my words and my website better communicate what I want to convey.

I’d say that for people who love to write, blogging is a dream. Writing poetry or essays, and then receiving feedback within the week is wonderful as a writer. Similarly, your comments on photographs have been delightful.

During the pandemic the online community has grown even more meaningful since face-to-face interactions are less common and more risky. Thanks, Readers, I have enjoyed our conversations about ideas, social movements and everyday life.

You may have heard Robert Louis Stevenson’s oft quoted, “A friend is a gift you give yourself.” To build on that, I believe: “A blog is a gift you give yourself;” friendship and writing rolled into one.

Muchas gracias for your support of Fake Flamenco and my writing journey. ¡Olé! –Rebecca

The “Bean” aka Cloud Gate Sculpture, Chicago Photo: Rebecca Cuningham
Rebecca Cuningham

40 thoughts on “Six Hundred Followers!

  1. I’m so glad I discovered your blog. It’s full of well-written and well-photographed interest, and as you say, blogging gives the extra dimension of interacting too. Congratulations!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congratulations! 600 follows is certainly a milestone, especially with all of the hard work and effort you put into each post. Can’t wait to see your next milestone of 1000, which I reckon will be very soon! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Tocaya (same name – Rebecca :). I hope your prediction proves correct, that would be wonderful to meet 400 more people, especially if they are like present company! Good traveling fortunes to you in the new year. R

      Liked by 1 person

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