Outstanding Blogger Award

A surprise, an epiphany in my inbox Wednesday morning, Cherryl of Cherryl’s Blog nominated me for an Outstanding Blogger Award! Many thanks for this recognition. I appreciate it very much.

Questions from Cherryl

  1. Share one good and one bad habit you’ve developed during the ongoing lockdowns?
    My answers – Good: FaceTime with my parents/ Bad: Eating while typing at my computer.
  2. What do you think is one of the most important pieces of blogging etiquette? I think responding warmly to commenters within 24 hours if possible is key.
  3. Aside from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest where else do you share your blog posts? I share my blog posts by email with friends and family who are not on social media.
  4. What was the last book you read and what did you think of it? I read Red Dust by Cuban author Yoss. It was a SF novella and I wish it had been a novel. Interesting ideas about aliens manipulating physics in unforeseen ways.
  5. What film/series is at the top of your list on Netflix/Prime at the moment? We’re old school; from the Library or the Last Movie Rental Store Standing: Julie Andrew’s early movie The Tamarind Seed with Omar Sharif.
  6. Which end of spectrum do you lean more towards Introvert or extrovert? I’m an introvert trained to be an extrovert, or vice versa. ; )
  7. Do you have any pets? No pets; two humans are plenty to take care of and cuddle with for me.

The envelope please. The Outstanding Blogger Awards go to… Check out these nominees. Some are just starting, some have much more experience and followers than my little Fake Flamenco:

https://readingundertheolivetree.com/ Book reviews and recommendations with Muslim themes and authors
https://freethinkingbibliophile.com/ Reviews of notable history and biography books
https://thewheelchairteen.com/ Life as a Black teen in a wheelchair in Europe
https://life-of-cam.com/ Life of a US man and his Costa Rican girlfriend in rural Costa Rica
https://ourmlhome.wordpress.com/ Multilingual family life and language teaching tips
https://sabinejangala.wordpress.com/ (un año en la selva) Spanish language blog of a scientist in Guatemala
https://moodandmystery.medium.com/ Aixa’s sharp observations on world travel
https://www.reaganjackson.com/ US author and Seattle based award-winning journalist – Deep End podcast
https://hartinspirations.com/ Philosophy, psychology and positive living
http://themisathena.info/ Literature and Reader Connections, Book Bingo

Seven Questions for the Nominees

  1. If you only could travel to one more country in your lifetime, which would it be?
  2. How long have you been blogging?
  3. Which blog topic is your favorite to read?
  4. What blog have you discovered recently that you’d like to share?
  5. What is the best lesson you’ve learned from writing?
  6. How do you back up your blog entries?
  7. What was your favorite film you saw last year?

Founder’s Rules for the Outstanding Blog Award

  1. Provide a link to the person who nominated you and the creator’s original award post. (see #5)
  2. Answer the questions provided above in your post.
  3. Create 7 unique questions for your nominees.
  4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Communicate with them about their nomination. Neither the award’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you, can be nominated.
  5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award! [2021 too, we hope : ) RC]

Gracias, amigos for your readership. Your comments and likes are like sunshine to my solar farm. ¡Olé! –Rebecca

Award January 6, 2021
Rebecca Cuningham

24 thoughts on “Outstanding Blogger Award

  1. Well done you, and well deserved. I find your posts thoughtful and interesting, and written in such a lively, involving way. From the blogs you mention, I picked out ‘Our ML Home’, because my (English of course) daughter is about to give birth to a baby whom she will speak to in English. Her partner will speak in Catalan, but Emily and Miquel speak Spanish together. This could be an interesting hotch-potch!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congratulations, Rebecca! I’m really happy that you have received this honor. 🙂 A good blog takes commitment, creativity, and (obviously also) writing ability. You have it all with Fake Flamenco. I love the way you intersperse travel and history with some personal posts too. Also, I was shocked and delighted to see Hart Inspirations on your nominee list. Really? Wow! Thank you.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Rebecca, it sounds like you have a wonderful Dad like mine. He took my siblings and I to all the history places so we could learn it first-hand. History came alive for us. He was a very involved father and a special man. I miss him. Treasure your moments together.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations Rebecca! (I’m also guilty of a little eating at my laptop – it’s the multi-tasker in me). Thanks for nominating me, it usually takes me a while to get to answering tags and I have quite a few lined up but I’ll definitely get to yours eventually. I look forward to answering your questions!

    Liked by 1 person

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