U Is to Honor the Ukraine

Let’s show our support for The Ukraine, by finding the letter U in everyday objects. Post the U’s you photograph with the hashtag #uisforukraine and add your link to the comments. Дякую (Dyakuy) = thank you in Ukranian.

U es para honrar a Ucrania

Demostraramos nuestro apoyo para Ucrania es buscar la letra U en objetos cotidianos. Pega tus fotos en un artículo que contiene la etiqueta #uisforukraine (u es para Ucrania) y deja tu enlace en los comentarios siguientes. Дякую (Dyakuy) = gracias en ucraniano.

Marble Run U Photo: R. Cuningham
Love U Art. E. Wedell
Phone U Photo: R. Cuningham

I realize that Uganda and Uruguay have claim to the letter U, as do four more countries. I imagine that seeing their sister U in peril, they’ll ring out their support as well.

Entendemos que Uganda y Uruguay tienen derecho a reclamar la letra U, y unos cuatro países mas también. Me imagino que, viendo que su hermana U está en peligro, dieran su apoyo ardiente.

Basket U Photo: R. Cuningham
Decal U Photo: R. Cuningham

We stand in Solidarity with Ukranians’ and their national sovereignty! To give material support, we’ve donated to World Central Kitchen, who is currently feeding fleeing Ukranians and helping restaurants in the Ukraine provide meals to those in need. If you have $20 to spare, will you consider doing the same? Thank you.

Estamos en solidaridad con la gente de Ucrania. Para darles apoyo de forma material, contribuimos al grupo sin fines de lucro, Cocina Central Mundial (World Central Kitchen), que provee comida caliente en este momento a ucranios huyendo de su país y facilita comida gratis en restaurantes en Ucrania para los necesitados allí. Si tengas algo de sobra, ojalá que unas con este esfuerzo. Gracias.

¡Olé! –Rebecca

Auto U Photo: R. Cuningham

This post is part of Debbie’s Six Word Saturday and Cee’s Black and White Challenge (CBWC), for Just one of anything, as in the Marble Run above. Click on the challenge names above for some great photos!

Este articulo es parte de Debbie’s Six Word Saturday (6 palabras los sábados) y Cee’s Black and White Challenge (Reto blanco y negro de Cee) para Uno de cualquier cosa, como la rampa de canica arriba. Haz un clic en los nombres de los retos para unas fotos maravillosas.

#sixwordsaturday #cbwc

Rebecca Cuningham

47 thoughts on “U Is to Honor the Ukraine

  1. Rebecca, I like your initiative in showing our support for the people of Ukraine. Thanks for sharing the link to the World Central Kitchen. Since I’m not one for taking photos, I submit three words beginning with the letter ‘u’ that I hope would have some impact: universal, unity, and understanding.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Rosaliene. I appreciate the three U words you chose. I am a distance away from The Ukraine, but I wanted to contribute to their brave people in some way, through World Central Kitchens.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. U stands for the unity of people throughout the world identifying with the Ukrainians and in their fight to defend their country. I am inspired everyday by their heroism

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There are such a lot of organisations rooting for Ukraine, and we hadn’t heard of this before donating. But next time, this looks very high on the list. And sadly, there will have to be a next time …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Margaret. It’s wonderful that you’ve already donated to help Ukranians during this crisis. World Central Kitchens will be around when the next natural or political disaster takes place and very happy for any help you might give.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Rebone! Margaret, a blogger friend who also commented, is contributing to World Central Kitchens according to the number of likes on her post about it. Click on her name in her comment to access the post. 🙂


  4. And thank you for the link to Central Kitchen. I had been wondering where to donate, wary that some might take advantage. Your endorsement was enough. Just donated…

    Liked by 1 person

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