Shy to Fly Hither and Nearby

The giant swallowtails are on watch, any hint of a device or camera and they flitter away post haste. They are a skittish butterfly, wings in motion as they sip nectar.

Giant Swallowtail in the Phlox  Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

I’ve read they prefer pink flowers. In their bid for world dominion, I thought the phlox of the garden were a bit overdone this year. The butterflies seem to find it just about right.

Giant Swallowtail on Light Pink Phlox Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

We have phlox variations created by bees, which add new colors. This pale pink is a mix of the white and the fuchsia pink. Many thanks, bees.

Giant Swallowtail Side View Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

Yellow, or Giant Swallowtails as they are called, used to be extremely rare in Wisconsin. When we moved here over a decade ago, I don’t remember seeing any. The past few years, we have seen one or two in August. This year, we see one or more per day! Carrying the Canon Rebel SLR into the garden paid off this week.

What is your favorite species of butterfly?

Gracias for reading Fake Flamenco! I appreciate your likes and comments. ¡Olé! –Rebecca

This post is part of Six Word Saturday. Check out Debbie and friends’ fabulous photos.

Yellow or Giant Swallowtail Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

Rebecca Cuningham

20 thoughts on “Shy to Fly Hither and Nearby

    1. Thanks, the one seemed made for the other. As for noticing your natural surroundings, I hear frequent observations from you about the moon, stars, swans, loons, a spider spinning a web… You are outside daily taking in what you see, accompanied by our favorite naturalist.


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