Throwback Thursday: The Austin Years

I went to school in Austin, Texas. That was the city where I met a man from the Bay Area who changed my life. October 1st is when we celebrate the anniversary of our first date. Evan selected the locations for our outing and lunch. If he was trying to impress me, he succeeded. I’ve written a haiku about the beginning of our relationship.

Under the Same Shining Moon

We had not yet met
Walking under the same sky
Who’d introduce us?

Students deserve the credit
Brazil and Iran

Without whom we’d not
Have ever met on that one
Enchanted evening

Iranian man
His roommate loved Brazilians
That set our love’s stage

Summer Portuguese
Brazilian women friends gave
Invite to party

Evan knew the host
Satellite tracking currents
Iranian guy

Rode my bicycle
To meet my Brazilian friends
Skirt caught in my chain.

Quick repair with Scotch tape
E falando português
Went to the festa

Walked in and saw him
Leaning on the food table
Laughing with his friends.

Felt his smile call me
Quick breath to center myself
And walked to his side

A year platonic
To recognize our hearts and minds
Dating each other’s friends

Growing and learning
Our shared commonalities
Families and outlooks

Austin Fall returned
Emailed letter to Evan
He wrote me right back

Then love bloomed online
His long well written letters
Grandparent details

Yes, I was smitten
A well rounded engineer
Who loved family

When he asked me out
I happily told him yes
He planned our first date

A classic artist
House of famed sculptor McNay
Stone chiseling woman

Restaurant lunch for we two
Man who likes good food.

Today loving day
To commemorate that date
We began our us.

–Rebecca Cuningham 10/1/20

Happy first date anniversary to my dear Evan. Beginning twenty-six years ago I reveled in your creativity, your thoughtfulness and your delightful company. I treasure the joy you and our child bring to my life.

How do you like to celebrate anniversaries?

Gracias for visiting Fake Flamenco! I appreciate your likes and comments. ¡Olé! –Rebecca

Rebecca and Evan, Austin TX Photo: Christina
Rebecca Cuningham

19 thoughts on “Throwback Thursday: The Austin Years

  1. Beautiful post, beautiful wishes and a beautiful memory, Enhorabuena Rebecca y que celebreis muchos, muchos mas!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow Love you guys!! Què bonita historia tan llena de puntos esenciales que componen a ambas personalidades. Muchas bendiciones de salud y prosperidad. Ruego a Dios multiple las personas como ustedes dos. El mundo necesita felicidad, compromiso con la naturaleza y bondad❤️🍷🇵🇷

    Liked by 1 person

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