2 Love As If It Were My Last Day

Another family member has passed away today. My dear aunt, the wife of my mom’s oldest brother, left this life early in the morning. She was one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. To be in her presence was to feel loved. I will miss her a lot. Her passing reminds me of a lesson my partner’s cancer has taught me, to live right now. (en español más adelante)


I hug you goodbye

before you flit on an errand

before you bike to the store

before you ride the bus downtown

I hold you in my arms

your spirit and mine

embraced and intertwined

an ellipse with two foci

My wish today

is that you know

without a doubt

my intentions were clear

to love you until the last day

your feet touch earth

or perish in the attempt

–Rebecca Cuningham, 16 June 2021

Pink Lily Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

En español

Amar como si fuera mi último día Otro pariente falleció hoy. Mi querida tía, la esposa del hermano mayor de mi mamá, se despidió a la vida temprano esta mañana. Ella era una de las personas más simpáticas que he conocida en mi vida. Estar en su presencia era sentirse amado. La echaré de menos un montón. Su fallecimiento me acuerda de una lección del cancer de mi pareja; vive en el presente.


Te despido con un abrazo
antes de tu salida de compras
antes de tu paseo en bicicleta
antes de tu viajecito en autobus
Te circundo con mis brazos
tu espíritu y el mío
abrazados y entrelazados
un elipse con dos focos
Mi esperanza para hoy
es que sepas sin duda
que mis intenciones quedaran claras

para amarte hasta el último día
que nuestros pies toquen la tierra

o perecer en el intento

–Rebecca Cuningham 16 junio 2021

Please give an extra hug or kind word to someone you love, today. ¡Olé! –Rebecca

Favor de regalarle un abrazo adicional o una palabra bonita a alguien que amas, hoy. ¡Olé! –Rebecca

Rebecca Cuningham

21 thoughts on “2 Love As If It Were My Last Day

  1. My condolences, Rebecca…having a loved one pass away is not easy to handle. But it is true that their passing reaffirms the importance of enjoying life while we can, and as means of honoring them to continue to find life fulfilling and happy. A lovely poem that captures the essence of love and sorrow!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m so sorry to hear of your Aunt’s passing, she seemed like a wonderful woman. I’m happy that you learned to live right now and loved her every second that you were with her. That poem was very beautiful, I’m sure that she’s proud that you’re honouring her memory so beautifully like this.

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