View of the Montañas from Here

The year we lived in Santiago, Chile, this view greeted our eyes daily from our sixth floor efficiency apartment. The Andes Mountain range was our astonishingly beautiful silent companion. Locals called her affectionately, La Cordillera*. The embracing arms of Mother Earth, named Pachamama, were a steadfast constant, a geological marvel, and a cardinal point. When I asked directions on Santiago streets, “Which way is west?” always got a laugh. “Hacia la Cordillera, claro,” (Toward the mountain range, of course) they’d say, pointing a hand at the Andes living large. I’d laugh at myself and say, “¡Claro!” pointing the same way.

[El texto en español está bajo el poema en inglés.]

Watching the play of light on the mountain face changed me, this woman from the Land of Lakes; my spirit baptized by alpine grace.

La Cordillera*

Tiny Santiago apartment
with mountain views
Glass wall glories

Special screenings
Snapshot sunsets
Sunny snowy smoggy days.

La Cordillera

Liberty, majesty
Border and shield
Cardinal direction
Backdrop, touchstone
Enduring symbol

Daily meditation
Shadows and white peaks
Clouds and rain
Kinetic sculpture

Hushed tones of wonder
Two spoken words

La Cordillera

our blessing

our prayer and salvation.

Present since forever
Witness of us all.

La Cordillera.

–Rebecca Cuningham, 12 March 2020

*Pronunciation in Chile of La Cordillera: la cor-dee-jair-a

What is your favorite landscape? Do lakes, oceans, or mountains make your spirit soar?

Gracias for reading Fake Flamenco! ¡Olé! –Rebecca

For more photos with six word titles see Travel with Intent.

En español:

El año que vivíamos en Santiago, Chile, esta vista nos saludaba todos los días desde nuestro departamento pequeño ubicado en el sexto piso. Las montañas de los Andes era nuestra silenciosa y bella en el extremo compañera. La gente local la llamaba, La Cordillera. Estos brazos de la Madre Tierra, llamada Pachamama, eran un constante inalterable, una maravilla geológica y un punto cardinal. Cuando pedía una consulta de direcciones en las calles de Santiago, decir, “¿Por dónde queda el oeste?”, siempre provocaba risa. “Hacia la Cordillera, claro,” era la respuesta, señalando con la mano hacia las montañas enormes. Me causaba risa tambien. Respondía yo, “¡Claro!” señalando de manera parecida.

Mirando diariamente el juego de luz en la cima de las montañas me cambió, esta mujer de la Tierra de los Lagos Estadounidense; mi espíritu fue bautizado por la gracia alpina. El poema sigue, bajo la foto:

La Cordillera Santiago
Andes Mountains above Santiago – La Cordillera  Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

La Cordillera

Departamento metropolitano diminuto
Vista de la montaña
Pared de cristal gloriosa
Estreno especial
Ponientes de sol capturados
días soleados, o nevados, o contaminados

La Cordillera

Libertad, majestad
Frontera y escudo nacional
Dirección cardinal
Fondo, piedra de toque
Símbolo eterno

Meditación diaria
Sombras y cimas blancas
Nubes y lluvia
Escultura kinética

Una voz de tono asombroso y silencioso
Revela dos palabras

La Cordillera

nuestra bendición

nuestra oración y salvación

Presente desde siempre
Testiga del pueblo entero.

La Cordillera.

–Rebecca Cuningham, 12 marzo 2020

¿Cuál es tu paisaje favorito? ¿Los lagos, los oceanos, o las montañas te hacen el espíritu volar?

Gracias por leer Fake Flamenco! ¡Olé! -Rebecca

Para leer más, haz un clic en Ensayo blog en español.

Rebecca Cuningham

22 thoughts on “View of the Montañas from Here

  1. Breathtaking imagery…
    “Backdrop, touchstone”
    “Kinetic sculpture / Hushed tones of wonder”
    Beautiful phrases. And what a photo! Thank you for sharing La Cordillera with us. ❤️


      1. Following the March 4th declaration of a state of emergency by the governor of Los Angeles County, we’ve already had school and university closures until the end of spring break, for now, as well as the cancellation or postponement of private and public events of over 250 people. Social distancing is in effect. Except for the cancellation of our local weekly Farmers’ Market, until further notice, businesses and public services are still in operation.

        Beginning March 16th, my son who works with an electronic games firm will be working from home for the next two weeks or more, depending on developments of the COVID-19 emergency. My other son, an independent contractor, continues work on his ongoing home renovation projects. He is prepared to stay home when circumstances change.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Good to hear plans to keep people well are in place and one of your sons can work from home. Here’s hoping we can minimize the infection rate in this hemisphere with school and university closings. Take care, Rebecca

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Incredible view! What a great photograph! I live surrounded by mountains but not like those! You were most certainly inspired by the surroundings and created a beautiful poem that serves you as a reminder of that year. I’ve spent time in Peru and travelled to the cordillera but Lima does not have that incredible backdrop! Great post, Rebecca, enjoyed it all! All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

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