Paddling Magic on Lake Wingra Today

Eagle and I went for a paddle on Lake Wingra this afternoon. Several Madisonians had the same idea. Summer watersports have begun.

Yellow Water Lily Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

A breeze kept flies and mosquitoes at bay, dragonflies did their bit to perpetuate their species.

Wild Yellow Iris  Photo: Rebecca Cuningham
Resting Mallards Photo: Eagle
Lily pad central  Photo: Rebecca Cuningham
Cumulus Clouds on Lake Wingra  Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

Just as our two hour canoe rental ended, we felt water drops on our arms. No one else fled to shore, what does wet matter to someone who’s fallen from a stand up paddle board three times already…

People Powered Boats  Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

What’s your favorite outdoor activity in summer? Like to write poetry? Write a five line tanka for the contest on Monday : )

Gracias for reading Fake Flamenco, clicking Like and commenting! ¡Olé! –Rebecca

This post inspired by Six Word Saturday hosted by Travel with Intent; offering beautiful photos seven days a week.

#6WS  #Photography



Rebecca Cuningham

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