We Interrupt this Throwback Thursday

Did you hear the needle scratch the album? I have a big milestone to share. As of Wednesday of this week, I have reached my summer goal.

Thank you for your visits, your comments, your likes and follows!

Fake Flamenco has reached 500 followers!

Birthday Candle 500  Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

So happy to have met you. Had I known how much fun blogging would be, I would have started years ago! I enjoy learning from you, writing, researching Latin America, taking photographs, speaking Spanish with you, and hosting the bilingual poetry challenges. Thanks for joining me on this journey.

Gracias for reading Fake Flamenco! ¡Olé! –Rebecca

Chichen Itza Staircase  Photo: Rebecca Cuningham


Rebecca Cuningham

13 thoughts on “We Interrupt this Throwback Thursday

  1. Love the pictures! I can’t look at that staircase without thinking it must have been a hot day there, and I would never have made it to the top. It took tough people to build something like that in that climate.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Rebecca, congratulations! What a milestone! I cannot wait to congratulate you for your next 500! And that is a great photograph of the pyramid of Chichen Itza, I visited there and Uxmal back in the 80’s. Loved it. Take good care and all the best,

    Liked by 2 people

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