5 Ways Nature Wends Her Winter Wiles

Winter is about cross country skiing and using face masks as scarves. This time of year is also about keeping the mosquitoes at bay half the year. February is a time of frozen precipitation that takes many surprising forms. My first picture is of graupel, a word I had not heard until today. It most resembles small styrofoam balls, and is created when the cloud temperature is much colder than that at ground level.

Imitation Snow? Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

We have hot water heat in metal radiators throughout the house. The boiler exit pipe is near the driveway pavement. It has made a stalagmite this winter! Looks like a baseball bat or exclamation point to me.

Driveway Stalagmite Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

These holiday lights are even more beautiful now that they are covered in ice.

Icices/Stalagtites Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

Winter wind carves the snow into reflections of the objects it covers.

Wavy Snow Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

Winter precipitation clings to the falling tree, hastening the day it will rejoin the earth.

Diagonal Branch Photo: Rebecca Cuningham

I like the brisk cold days for three months or four. I revel in the shining blanket that quiets the town. Come March, I am ready for snowdrop flowers to stand above the soil and take a bow.

Hope spring comes soon to the plants and trees near you. What flowers are you hoping to see?

¡Olé! –Rebecca

Rebecca Cuningham

33 thoughts on “5 Ways Nature Wends Her Winter Wiles

  1. We’ll, we have our snowdrops. In fact they’re nearly over. So now it’s the crocus, and soon the daffodil. I envy you that Proper Winter, so deep and crisp and dramatic. Though perhaps … only in theory.

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      1. I saw someone is shorts today and it made me giggle. Although i was warm in my sweatshirt so i guess he had the right idea. Most of the snow has melted here except for the large mountains where they plowed in the parking lots! It’s been a welcomed break but i know more snow will be just around the corner!

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  2. I am appreciating your weather from afar. Brrrrr! Love the photos.
    I needed a nature break yesterday afternoon. I did appreciate time outside but did not appreciate being warm in February. That’s Phoenix!

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    1. Hi Kim, Fortunately the boiler is safe and warm inside the house. It has an exit pipe to the exterior that blows excess hot air. Below the pipe outside the house is our temporary stalagmite. My partner got rid of it when he was shoveling the driveway. Kick. : )

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  3. Love the alliteration and the sculptural ice. No flowers for a few more months up here in the Rocky Mountains. But in a month, I should be able to drive down to the warmth of spring and flowers in the city parks. I’m ready.

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    1. Thank you for your comments, Ruth. The Rocky Mountains must be beautiful in spring. They must be beautiful in every season, yet I understand that by the end of February spring seems ever so enticing. What a bonus to be able to drive down to meet spring. I’m ready for spring too.

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    1. Yes, one friend in Madison posted photos of his snowdrop flowers. But he lives on the sunny side of the street, literally. We still have snow drifts on the northern exposure side of the street!


  4. I also love the crisp, cool winter air and the beautiful variations of frozen fog. This was a spectacular year for that! I find winter scenes magical.
    This is our first spring in our new home. We are excited to discover what early perennials burst through the soil!

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