Butterfly: Change is a Beautiful Thing

We went to to “Blooming Butterflies” yesterday at the Olbrich Gardens pavilion. A dozen types of butterflies were feeding on flower nectar within the conservatory.

Fuimos a la exhibición de Mariposas en flor ayer en pabellón del Jardín Olbrich. Una docena de tipos de mariposas bebieron el néctar de las flores del conservatorio.

Black Swallowtail Butterfly Photo: R. Cuningham

Thank you, butterfly, for choosing a leaf with a perfect color contrast as a resting place.

Gracias a la mariposa por escoger para posar en una hoja con un contraste de color perfecto.

Welcome, butterflies!

¡Bienvenidas, mariposas!

Chrysalis case Photo: R. Cuningham

This is part of Debbie’s Six Word Saturday and Cee’s Flower of the Day. Click on the challenge name for a picture show!

Parte de Seis palabras los sábados de Debbie’s Six Word Saturday y las Flores diarias de Cee. Haz un clic en los títulos anteriores para ver más fotos.

¡Olé! –Rebecca


Rebecca Cuningham

41 thoughts on “Butterfly: Change is a Beautiful Thing

  1. How beautiful and I learned something new, that mariposa means butterfly. The funeral home where my parents were taken care of is named Mariposa Gardens. 🙂


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  2. I love it when butterflies cooperate for photos! So happy you experienced that trip. I had a certain Silver-Spotted Skipper with tattered wings that was an awesome friend for a season! No joke! It (she?) came to sit with Murph and me upon a particular pepper plant’s leaf on the deck, and she flew to me, fluttering around my head with excitement every time we were spotted out there. Smarter than people think

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