October 2022 Poetry Challenge (Early Bird Version)

Twenty-three years ago today, on the banks of the Río Frío, I married Evan. Since then hand in hand we have lived in three cities, traveled to eight countries, and hosted a score of Thanksgivings and dance parties together. In the tenth year we welcomed our child into the mix. What wonderful luck to meet my partner, unique in all this world, and parent “Eagle” together.

Your challenge is to write an acrostic poem celebrating a beloved person or companion animal. The first letter of the first word in a line matches that letter of the person’s name. What is unique about their personality? Twenty three word maximum. G-rated please.

Texas-themed wedding invitation

Example poem:


Exceptionally kind and generous

Very animated conversationalist

Absolutely hilarious

Noteworthy thoughts and perspective.

–Rebecca, 1 October 2022

Rebecca and Evan 2022 Photo: Eagle

Reto poético de octubre 2022 (versión temprana)

Hace veintitrés años en las orillas del Río Frío, me casé con Evan. Desde entonces mano en mano vivimos en tres ciudades distintas, viajamos a ocho países, y hicimos veintenas de fiestas de Acción de Gracias y de baile. En el décimo año dimos el bienvenido a nuestre hije. Qué tremenda suerte conocer a mi pareja, único en todo el mundo, y juntos cuidarle a Eagle.

El reto de octubre es escribir un poema acróstico celebrando a una persona o a una mascota. La primera letra de cada línea es una letra de su nombre. ¿Qué te parece único de su personalidad? Máximo de veintitrés palabras. Para todas las audiencias, por favor.

Poema de ejemplo:


Excepcionalmente simpático y generoso

Verdaderamente conversador animado

Absolutamente cómico

Notables pensamientos y perspectivas.

–traducción por Rebecca , 1 octubre 2022

The Challenge

Write an acrostic poem in English or Spanish: up to 23 words about a beloved person or pet in English or Spanish. Deadline: Sunday, October 9th, noon CST. G-rated please. I’m taking a few days off, and you have two extra days to write your poems this month, with this Sunday start! If you are a blogger, please publish your poem on your website with the hashtag #ffpoemapop and link to this page by Oct. 9. If you are a poet at large, please post your poem below by October 9. I’ll publish a post with your poems and my matching translations next Tuesday, October 11. Drop me a line with any questions. 

El reto poético

Escribe un poema acróstico sobre una persona o una mascota querida en libre verso en español o en inglés; de hasta 23 palabras. Para todas las audiencias por favor. Voy a descansar unos días, así ustedes tienen dos días adicionales (domingo a martes) para escribir sus poemas este mes. La fecha de entrega es el domingo 9 octubre, al mediodía (Chicago). Si tengas tu propio sitio web, favor de publicar el poema en tu blog con la etiqueta #ffpoemapop y haz un enlace a este artículo antes del 9 octubre. Escritores que sean damas y caballeros andantes, favor de añadir tu poema a los comentarios abajo antes del 9 octubre. ¡Publicaré un artículo con sus poemas y las traducciones mías correspondientes el próximo martes, 11 octubre! Consúltame con cualquier duda. 

¡Gracias! ¡Olé! –Rebecca

Evan y Rebecca 1999. Foto: E. Wedell
Rebecca Cuningham

74 thoughts on “October 2022 Poetry Challenge (Early Bird Version)

  1. A very happy anniversary to you and Evan.
    And as for the challemge:

    The pandemic cat who adopted us
    each day with her antics brings us to 
    roaring  laughter and we cannot
    imagine life without her.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A good idea for me in many ways, as we were at my daughter’s wonderful wedding this weekend. But 23 words is a bit of a challenge when the person I’ll write about has a name 7 letters long. Happy anniversary!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Rebecca. It’s really lovely to receive such nice messages of congratulations from my blogging friends! Evan’s and my secret is we talk things through in a respectful way; are careful not to speak in anger to hurt the other person. So happy for your budding romance. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Becca y Evan: Felicidades y mucha saludos en otro aniversario juntos❤️ Aquí está el reto gatuno. Bonita me llenas de alegría Obstinada aprendes piruetas Bondadosas entregas cariño. Benignamente compartes con tu familia. Inteligente al expresarte Excepcional y maravillosa gatita

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Here I am. Not blogging this one as Malcolm would hate me to do so. I’m safe here as he doesn’t follow you (silly man!).

    Malcolm: modestly moreish
    And always affectionate,
    Lovable, loyal.
    Curious! Convivial!
    Often obstreperous.
    Laid back; lazy (libellous!).
    Magnificent mate, married to Margaret.

    Good luck with getting that into Spanish, as I meanly made every word in the line begin with the same letter 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry, I just wrapped up my post for tomorrow with the poems and their translations. I accepted entries up until the end of Sunday. Please feel free to add your delightful cat companion poem to the comments tomorrow.


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