Madison Snow Report: Almost 8 cm!

I like metric, especially when the numbers sound more impressive. Somehow 8 cm of snow sounds much more wintry than 3.1 inches. We’ve received two days of snow that kissed the trees and the faded flowers, but left the sidewalks and streets clear. This is a win-win; beautiful, and low maintenance.

During the snowstorm yesterday afternoon, Eagle and I walked at Picnic Point by Lake Mendota on a field trip with their middle school class. Photos of the snow:

Picnic Point Park Photo: R. Cuningham
I’m Stumped Photo: R. Cuningham
Fallen Tree’s Bark Photo: R. Cuningham

Our garden was a fairyland of flocked asters gone to seed.

Flocked Asters Photo: R. Cuningham

Thanks to Becky B. for hosting the WalkingSquares!

¡Olé! –Rebecca

Rebecca Cuningham

45 thoughts on “Madison Snow Report: Almost 8 cm!

    1. We often have snow in November. I think of it as the beginning of winter, rather than the December equinox. The city has a fleet of snow plows and life goes on as normal! This minor snow didn’t require plowing.

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