Lens-Artists Challenge #285: Warm Colors

I saved a few photos from our orchid tour; flowers and plants not from the family orchidaceae. What luck, they work perfectly for Egídio’s warm color Lens-Artist photo challenge.

Red Bromeliad Photo: RC
Bird of Paradise Photo: RC
Green Leaves Photo: RC
Banana Flower Photo: RC
Yes, We Have Bananas! Photo: RC

I am very partial to warm colors. A cool color post would be more difficult for my photo palette.

Do you prefer cool or warm shades?

¡Olé! –Rebecca

This post is also part of Cee’s Flower of the Day.

Rebecca Cuningham

45 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #285: Warm Colors

  1. I’ve not seen any of these. Thank you for sharing them. The variety of species and genus everywhere is mind-blowing! As for cool or warm, perhaps it’s circumstanial, resting on the things around it. Sometimes, I may like blue flowers next to bright spring green & other times, melon-colored flowers along with reds & yellows. Then, there’s always the contrast of various greens in foliage, as is in forests.

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      1. Awww, thank you, Rebecca. You remebered that?!? 🥹 Unfortunately, we had no company this past year. With parents gone, my sons moving out of state, 3 vastly different animals at home, etc., etc., we all just sent love (& small gifts) to one another. Hope you had a beutiful ending to the year & new beginning as well.

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      1. Our camelias bloomed a couple of weeks ago, which was a bit early. Then the blooms got frozen when we went down to 12 degrees. My daffodils have emerged and are budding. They’re pretty much on schedule… if there is such a thing now.

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  2. Yes we do have bananas!!!! And, that said, I also love love bromeliads. For some reason they worked better for me in the redwood forests of California than they do in semitropical Mexico. Go figure. They grow in the wild here but don’t seem to thrive in my garden. I love yours.

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